(Fuente de la imagen) May Day, design for a greeting card (?), 1874; three figures, including a boy kneeling and holding a crown above a girl's head Watercolour and gold.
Nous vous souhaitons un très beau 1er mai ! Illustration: Charles Aubry, Muguet dans une conque (vers 1864) Musée d'Orsay, dépôt du Mobilier national
(Fuente de la imagen) 1940s New York Occupation: Retail and wholesale - department stores, grocery stores, warehouses Collection: Children and a parent looking at a stack of banners and signs before (or possibly after) a May Day parade, circa 1940. Image from the District 65/UAW Collection, Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University
(Fuente de la imagen) 1934 New York Collection: NYU Tamiment LibraryThis photograph by Daniel Nilva shows marchers assembling for the 1934 May Day parade. The banners shown indicate that participation in the parades during this period was confined to the more left-wing organizations.Image from Danile Nilva Collection, Tamiment Library, New York University.
Миру-Мир (Fuente de la imagen)
(Fuente de la imagen) 1 maggio 1947, Portella della Ginestra: la prima strage di Stato. Il piombo della mafia, armata dal potere, si abbatte sui lavoratori e sui loro diritti. Noi non dimentichiamo il NOSTRO SANGUE.
Contru mafia e putiri c'è sulu RIVOLUZIONI.
May is named after the Greek goddess Maia. Here’s an allegorical print of the month! http://ow.ly/wp4T1
- Otros Primeros de mayo:
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