miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Y si todo no fuera solo un sueño

Colchón normablock FC Barcelona

Colchón normablock FC Barcelona

Colchón normablock Real Madrid CF

Colchón normablock Real Madrid CF

El Clásico: The Gallery: El ClásicoFoto2606

SCITINTILLE TRA I TECNICI - L'allenatore 'gentleman' ha replicato all'attacco venuto poche ore prima da Mourinho: "Tu qui sei il fottuto capo, il fottuto padrone (il "puto jefe, el puto amo", in spagnolo): ti regalo la Champions speciale del fuori campo", è sbottato Pep, rivolgendosi direttamente al "Signor Mourinho". (Repubblica)

El Clásico: The Gallery: El Clásico

"In this room [Real Madrid's press room], he is the chief, the fucking man. In here he is the fucking man and I can't compete with him. If Barcelona want someone who competes with that, then they should look for another manager. But we, as a person and an institution, don't do that. I could talk about [Olegario] Bequerença [the referee from last season's Barcelona-Inter semi-final first leg], about the offside goal from Diego Milito or the penalty of [Dani] Alves, but I don't. Well, until tonight! (Guardian)

«Mourinho est le p… de chef, le p… de maître»
«Déjà comme il (Ndlr : Mourinho) m'appelle "Pep", je vais le tutoyer aussi. José, demain (Ndlr : mercredi) à 20h45 nous nous retrouverons sur le terrain. En dehors du terrain, tu as déjà gagné, tu as gagné toute l'année. Je t'offre ta Ligue des Champions particulière en dehors du terrain. Que tu la ramènes chez toi et que tu en profites ! Dans cette salle (de presse), tu es le p… de chef, le p… de maître. Je ne peux pas rivaliser avec toi un seul instant», a-t-il déclaré. Ironique jusqu'au bout, Guardiola n'a pas voulu rentrer dans les détails concernant la composition de son équipe, indiquant juste que le Barça «jouerait à 11 et que le Real terminerait surement à 10», allusion aux dires de Mourinho se plaignant de finir chaque match contre Barcelone en infériorité numérique… Ce mercredi soir, la poignée de mains d'avant-match entre les deux hommes, si tant est qu'il y en ait une, s'annonce glaciale. A n'en pas douter, elle sera scrutée par les millions d'observateurs de ce nouveau Clasico.(Figaro)

Copio las entradas de un foro de internet sobre cómo traducir la expresión Puto amo, que es como Guardiola se ha referido a Mourinho

Eres el puto amo

1. Could anybody help me with this translation, please?
Shall I translate it as 'You're the fucking boss'? The expression is quite used in Spain for saying that someone's great in a very informal and kind of young context.
Thanks a million in advance

2. You're the man!
You really are the fucking man!

3. Quizá también: "you fucking rule"?

4. "You rule!" está bien.
Ojo - Anadirle el "fucking" es más fuerte en inglés que el "puto" espanol. Igual sobra.

5. Muchas gracias Elirlandes y Eneko; la verdad es que estoy traduciendo muestras de corpus y la idea era encontrar una muestra con 'puto' y un equivalente con cualquier adjetivo en inglés que se comporte del mismo modo intensional que 'puto'. Vamos, que el hecho de que aparezca el adjetivo es importante para mis muestras :P
Creo que 'You (really) are the fucking man' está bien para la equivalencia que pretendo explicar.
Mil gracias por todo y tened un buen día

6. BTW, could I say 'You really are a fucking man'? I guess it doesn't sound very natural... :P
I could change 'el puto amo' for 'un puto crack', but how could I do that in English? You're a fucking *** :S
I'm going crazy with this xDD
Thanks a lot

7. Chester, yo creo que si. solo sugiero algo diferente en vez de 'man' -- bad-ass, (beast? jeje) o algo asi.

8. "You are a fucking man." doesn't work in this case. It means something completely different.
In terms of "you're a fucking ***", there is no point in going that way. You are trying to construct an english sentence with the style of your spanish one. It doesn't work.

9. Now we are getting more and more American... If your audience is European, I wouldn't use that.

10. The reason why I'm trying to find an equivalent for "un puto crack" is because I'm trying to prove that both 'fucking' and 'puto' work sometimes as intensifiers and because I've found out that this kind of intensional adjectives tend to be very used in colloquial expressions and insults in both languages. I've got lots of sources for insults and expressions such as the ones provided before in Spanish, but I'm afraid that British National Corpus is no very rich in them. This is the reason why I'm trying to find equivalences; just for giving an example of what I mean in both languages but, if I cannot find it, I'll give non-related examples and that's all :P
I'm aware of the fact that I cannot create English just for proving that I'm right; what I'm interested in is in finding an expression in English in which 'fucking' works as an intensifier and, if possible, I would like to see whether using a definite or undefinite article affects the fact of 'fucking' continuing to work as an intensifier or not; this is the reason why I was trying to push a little bit the expression; just to see if, as it happens in Spanish, you need to change the head of the NP (Nominal Phrase) when you change the article; I don't have any database for doing that, so I can only ask the natives if you would use an expression such as:
- You're a fucking ***
For referring to a really good or really bad ***
Thanks a million, guys
And sorry for not being so clear from the very begining, but I thought this maight be too boring for you :P

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